Cities listed in alphabetical order.
All times are local times.
Eight - Politechneiou 8 Exarcheia |
WASTE/D LIVELive reading and video lecture performance,
hosted by PAT - Temporary Academy of Arts & Goethe-Institut Athens Three people from different disciplines, Elena Tzelepi (philosopher), Sofia Mavragani (dancer/choreographer), Martha Mavroidi (musician), Aristeidis Antonas (architect/writer/artist) are invited to a "Wasted Live", a reading of Waste/d publication, published by Temporary Academy of Arts (Elpida Karaba, Despina Zefkili, Yota Ioannidou, Vangelis Vlahos) by Omblos Editions, with the support of Goethe-Institut, Athens, last July. "WASTE/d" is trying to define new aspects of waste/d subjects and matter (from the precarious art workers bodies to the new wasted subjects produced by the hygiene norms of covid19), as well as new sophisticated methods of ‘cleaning’ (from global environmental politics in the era of climate change to state and police methods to clean the city of Athens from refugee squats and anarchists and ensure public order). The subject raises questions of freedom, justice as well as humanitarian and ethical issues which come forth in urgent, in the contemporary condition, of the refugee crisis, the pandemic, the Anthropocene, in pragmatic and existential ways. It raises questions on the role of art as a praxis, which can create the symbolic as well as the actual and activist space for such existential and ethical dilemmas. PAT’s experiment is looking for spaces, where new and unexpected modes of living, socialising, activating affects and powers can be proposed, discussed, thought and tried out. Our guests have been asked to approach waste/d from their own perspective, each of them will add some new content, which will be presented for the first time at Eight space, Athens. The live reading will be recorded and on the spot a video lecture performance will be produced. This new, live produced material will be part of Waste/d future different forms of presenting and exhibiting. It can take the form of a video lecture performance, the form of a second, extended edition of waste/d publication, a panel discussion on waste/d. |
Athens31/10, 15:00-18:00
Deree, 6 Gravias Str., Agia Paraskevi, 15342 & online commentary |
THE CONFLICT BETWEEN OUR DIGITAL AND ANALOGUE IDENTITIESCommentary and live broadcast, hosted by DEREE - American College of Greece
Effie Halivopoulou, Artist and Department Head of Visual Arts and Art History of Deree - the American College of Greece, contributes to the discussion with a short commentary on the Analogue versus Digital Identities: "Our future has been here for some 30 years; artists have been situated in the blended space between the physical/corporeal and the digital." Deree also hosts the live streaming of the Online Summit at the shcool's Faculty Lounge, on Saturday, October 31st, at 14.00-17.00. |
BaselOnline content
31/10, 19:00–21:00
Research Centre Skograd Kolarceva 5, 11000 |
Documentary Premiere & Discussion Panel, moderated by Skograd’s Predrag Milic and Jelena Joksimovic, with guests Bojana Skorc, psychologist, and Mia David, architect and curator.
Skograd’s documentary Freiraum of Hope investigates how the children of Ledine, a neigbhourhood in peripheral Belgrade, perceive and experience freedom. Ledine is characterised by poverty and social exclusion for the local Roma population, filling the lives of children with uncertainty and a longing to migrate to EU member states. The discussion after the film will use the Freiraum Manifesto to navigate the talk around the children’s struggle for freedom, their manifestations of hope and the role that space, art and pedagogy play in their strivings. |
Berlin31/10, 13:00-17:00
Mierendorff-INSEL, Berlin Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf |
FREIRAUM ISLAND BERLINPop-up structure for spontaneous public discussions and exhibition finissage, hosted by Yasser Almaamoun and Lena Müller / Alexander Ebert, Büro für Klimakultur in cooperation with DorfWerkStadt and the municipal department of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf.
Freiraum Island Berlin wants to create a space for dialogue on reclaiming the city, freedom and climate change on Mierendorff-INSEL, an island located in the Berlin district of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. The project aims to enable and encourage citizens to think about freedom and (urban) sustainability in the face of climate change. The event realised in the context of Freiraum Festival 2020 is the finissage of a public outdoors exhibition presented by the project Mierendorff-Rundweg. Reclaiming public space with a pop-up structure for spontaneous encounters, including the presentation of the Freiraum Summit’s live broadcast, the event gathers conversations, testimonies, photos, drawings and interviews on climate change, its effects on cities, city planning and individuals and the subsequent impact on our collective and individual (sense of) freedom. |
BrusselsOnline content
Copyright Caroline Lessire
FREIRAUM FESTIVAL IN BRUSSELS2-Day Festival including talks, discussions and performances, hosted by Goethe-Institut Brüssel, BOZAR and Beursschouwburg
Due to the new covid regulations from 24 October, no cultural events are allowed anymore in the capital of Belgium and of Europe during the next month. The initially planned 2-day local Festival including talks, discussions and performances, hosted by Goethe-Institut Brüssel, BOZAR and Beursschouwburg must unfortunately be cancelled. Belgian philosopher and economist Philippe Van Parijs, Professor Emeritus at UC Louvain contributes a written version of his scheduled keynote on "Real freedom for all in the corona era" at BOZAR. Slam poet Samira Saleh will try to record herself from home while performing the Freiraum Manifesto. The Director General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture at the EU Commission, Themis Christophidou, reacts to the Freiraum Manifesto and gives a short recorded statement on Freedom of Culture in Europe today. The journalists from all over Europe invited to participate in the scheduled participatory, experimental discussion round “Big Conversation” about freedom of the press in Europe send their statements for the Freiraum archive. |
Bucharest31/10, 17:30
Goethe-Institut Bukarest Calea Dorobanti 32, RO-010573 Live broadcast:
SLOW MOTIONFilm screening and debate with Simona Strungaru (conductor), Carmen Palcu (actress), Andreea Duță (choreographer), Dr. Joachim Umlauf (moderator).
A short film by Ruxandra Țuchel. Camera/Sound/Editing by Silviu Andrei. Hosted by Goethe-Institut Bukarest. The health hazard currently threatening the entire world has imposed new social rules. Fear and insecurity have taken a deep psychological toll on everyone. As a result, we try to turn negative feelings into positive experiences. We have capitalised on this profound change by creating a social experiment. We have asked three artists to convey the multi-faceted picture of a previously unknown reality, namely the pandemic and lockdown which previously have only been made popular through literature and SF films. The film reveals 24 hours in the life of three female artists who are trapped in their own four walls, as well as their online communication, fear of the future and the concept of life reduced to basic needs. |
Carlisle31/10, 14:00 |
A DAY IN THE LIFE OFPublic event, performance, celebration, hosted by artist, curator Jane Dudman and local artists
Member of the Freiraum Platform, artist and curator Jane Dudman holds a live performance of the Freiraum Manifesto, accompanied by a celebration of creativity and arts with local artists. Depending on local COVID19 regulations the event includes a 3-minute micro-work, an online speakeasy, discussions and live music. |
CopenhagenOnline content
Online film screening and publication, hosted by Copenhagen Architecture Festival - CAFX
Film direction: Signe Sophie Bøggild & Josephine Michau How are democracy and identity renegotiated in the design and use of public space and cultural heritage in Skopje? Arriving from the very different context of Denmark’s capital Copenhagen and from the field of architecture, the 45-minute, Danish produced, Macedonian and English language film "Skopje: A city interrupted" examines Skopje and the issue of freedom and agency from a spatial perspective. From the Greek agora to Lefebvre’s question of the right to the city, it is known that the design, planning and use of public space as well as cultural heritage are always embedded in various discourses of politics, democracy, identity, culture and -indeed- freedom and agency. In Skopje, this seems particularly apparent and poignant. First, with the demolitions and modernist rebuilding after the tragic 1963 earthquake and subsequently during the historicist-nationalist makeover of Skopje 2014. Skopje: A city interrupted is, among other things, an investigation into ongoing renegotiations of what to do about the new cultural layer of Skopje 2014 and the city’s ambivalent relationship with the rest of Europe and the World, but also the everyday life experience in Skopje. Together with the Danish-Macedonian architect Daniel Serafimovski, who is familiar with both Skopje and Copenhagen, the film revisits different cases of public spaces and cultural heritage through interviews with local experts, archival footage, on-site registrations and voxpops with residents of Skopje, a city aspiring to become European Capital of Culture in 2028. Furthermore, CAFX presents literary extracts from their new book The Welfare City in Transition a compilation of texts and images 1923 – 2020 in run-up to its publication. The book takes a look at the city of Copenhagen ranging from its welfare state heyday to the more neoliberal contemporary situation of interurban competition. It examines how the city has been negotiated between different stakeholders over time, how different challenges have been dealt with over the years, how democratically the planning and urban develop process has been and how much space there is for individual freedom. |
Kunsthaus Dresden Städtische Galerie für Gegenwartskunst Rähnitzgasse 8, D-01097 |
I EMPATHYShort-term residency, public talk and online archive, hosted by Kunsthaus Dresden
The program of Kunsthaus Dresden is dedicated to question of "empathy". The local artist Erika Richter –who recently finished her diploma at the Dresden Art School– participates in a short-term 10-days residency. The residency was initiated to create a support structure for young and emerging artists. Richter is invited to work at the Kunsthaus and to make her individual, artistic work processes visible. On 21 October, a conversation between her and the artist Fatma Bucak complements the program. Both artists will talk about empathy in relation to their artistic work. Erika Richter also participates in the (Re)Search & Share-program of Kunsthaus Dresden, an online format which aims towards the establishment of an online archive referencing questions of artistic research. Erika Richter, Water Shaped Heart Lines, 2020, exhibition view
DublinOnline event
THE CONFINES OF FREEDOMDiscussion, hosted by Daniel McFarlane and Goethe-Institut Dublin
The online discussion "The Confines of Freedom: Expressions of Youth Voice in the COVID Context" gathers the voices of three generations of under-represented students involved and interested in discussing how the limits of freedom questioned their entire identity once the pandemic took hold of Ireland. The student participants have all been involved in different Freiraum projects organised by the Dublin partners. |
KrakowOnline content
GIRLS AND FREEDOMHosted by Goethe-Institut Krakau and Goethe-Institut Sarajevo
The pandemic descended unexpectedly upon everyone. We are constantly trying to find ourselves in this new reality. Just as constant is our striving to answer questions about fundamental values, including the need for freedom. How do young girls find themselves in this new situation? Are their life plans changing? Are the effects of the pandemic particularly felt by women, who are confronted with more challenges than men on a daily basis? In September this year, journalists from Deutsche Welle recorded interviews with young girls from Krakow and Sarajevo on the topic of freedom during the pandemic. The video is presented on Freiraum Festival's online library. |
MilanOnline performance
FREEDOM BEYOND THE MASK directed by Olivier EloutiTheatre performance, hosted by Sunugal, Mascherenere, CIQ in collaboration with Africa Day
Reminiscent of the past “Freedom beyond the mask” will be the moment at which a sunset-meeting takes place in the village. After a day of hard work, performers meet in the courtyard to tell each other stories on how they spent their day, from morning until the encounter. A special moment, an addition to his report about his day, the storyteller together with his instrument, makes us experience the life of a young man in search of freedom, that freedom we all lost after the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. Freedom after Covid? Yes, with the opportunity or chance to stay alive and be re-born free. The main characters of this performance are: The storyteller: an old musician, who makes a living playing music, maintaining a higher social level, the storyteller can be called a successful man, whose life changes with the Covid-19 Pandemic and its subsequent restrictions. Dave Samba, the adopted son of the storyteller, who tries to break free from his parents. From his own perspective or that of the storyteller, viewers will find out whether he will succeed in his plan or not. Dave and the storyteller are accompanied by different relatives, portrayed by actors, who are playing, dancing, or plainly shouting from the crowd. |
Nicosia1/11, 20:30-22:00
Event w. live streaming ARTos House 64 Ay. Omoloyites Avenue, 1080 |
MOVING SILENCEEvent with live streaming, hosted by ARTos Foundation in cooperation with Goethe-Institut Nicosia
Moving Silence is a platform which creates collaboration opportunities for musicians, composers and filmmakers, and gathers musicians and composers to perform live soundtracks for silent video and film works by contemporary creators of their choice. In the context of the Freiraum Festival, ARTos Foundation presents an evening dedicated to contemporary "silent" moving images and live experimental sounds. The event is hosted at ARTos House and will also be live-streamed for the closing of the Freiraum Online Summit. |
Paris31/10, 14:00-21:30
Le 100ecs, 100 Rue de Charenton, 75012 Edouard Burgeat, "Jusqu'ici tout va bien/So far so good"
SPACES OF CREATIVE FREEDOM BEYOND BORDERS AND WALLSDebate and artistic interventions, hosted by Edouard Burgeat and Ira Bliatka
Guests are invited to the cultural space 100ecs, to participate in debates and artistic interventions and imagine spaces of creative freedom that traverse borders and walls. The event starts by tuning in with Freiraum partners around Europe for Eva Illouz’s livestream keynote, "Can The Home be a Haven from a world in crisis?" and the expert panel on "The Ongoing Biopolitical Demo-crisis". With the help of moderator Musab Younis, the Paris event will address questions on the state of freedom in France today from an international historical perspective, and will discuss strategies for politically reclaiming the day after. In an adjacent rehearsal room, opposite a grand piano, an evocative wall of transparent matter has been assembled. The installation "Jusqu'ici tout va bien/So far so good", by Edouard Burgeat, reminds us that Europe is still dealing with its traumatic past of division, as it tries to navigate the uncertainties of the future. Concluding the evening, musician Paul Benham turns our attention to the art of polyphony, with an interactive music performance based on the Freiraum Rhapsody. Installation: Edouard Burgeat, Artist, @edouardburgeat / Moderation: Musab Younis, Lecturer in International Relations, Queen Mary University and University of London Institute in Paris / Music: Paul Benham, Composer and Sound Designer, @paulbenham / Concept and Coordination: Ira Bliatka and Edouard Burgeat |
Prague31/10, time tba
Goethe-Institut Prag, Masarykovo nábřeží 32 110 00 Praha 1 |
POLARIZATION, FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND CHANGES IN SOCIETYLectures and discussion, hosted by Institute H21 and Goethe-Institut Prag
The coronavirus pandemic has restricted fundamental rights and freedoms to the extent that the population had never experienced before and empowered polarization of western societies. The Freiraum event in Prague aims to open a constructive discussion on those pressing issues and problems, and thus help to turn the current crisis into an opportunity. The event’s mission is to present a diverse collection of viewpoints to help us tackle hard questions of polarization, freedom of expression in the 21st century and changes in the current societies. The topics range from psychology, law and political science to innovative voting systems. The areas are covered by experts from Institute H21, which is a Prague-based think tank that focuses on civic innovations, voting systems, and challenges to modern democracies. Karel Janeček (MBA, PhD) explored the "World at the Crossroads of History: How to Find Common Ground during the Civilisation Crisis?"; Adam Růžička (MSc. MRes.) focuses on "The social tyranny and the importance of freedom of speech"; and Jan Hořeňovský (Phd) addresses "Legal aspects of freedom of speech in the 21st century". The discussion is moderated by Ondřej Timčo (PhD). The lectures and discussion will be held in Czech. |
Daily, 17:00-21:00 Drugo More, Korzo 28/2, 51000 |
PIRATE CAREExhibition, hosted by Drugo More
Pirate Care primarily considers the assumption that we live in a time in which care, understood as a political and collective capacity of society, is becoming increasingly defunded, discouraged and criminalised. Neoliberal policies have for the last two decades re-organised the basic care provisions that were previously considered cornerstones of democratic life - healthcare, housing, access to knowledge, right to asylum, freedom of mobility, social benefits, etc. - turning them into tools for surveillance, exclusion and punishment of the most vulnerable. The name Pirate Care refers to those initiatives that have emerged in opposition to such political climate by self-organising technologically-enabled care & solidarity networks. As part of the Freiraum Festival, the Pirate Care network expands on its syllabus in the form of an exhibition, and include participants such as Sea-Watch, Women on Waves, Memory of the World, and others. |
live contribution to the online summit |
LIVE ILLUSTRATIONS BY CAROL ROLLOReal-time contribution to the online summit, hosted by DaSud.
Through real-time illustrations, Carol Rollo comments on the topics and discussions of the Online Freiraum Summit. |
Sarajevo31/10, 18.00-20.00
Hotel Courtyard by Marriott Because of the increase of Covid-19 cases in Sarajevo the screening is closed for physical attendances but is streamed via the Facebook page of the Goethe-Institut Bosnien und Herzegowina and on the YouTube Chanel of the Institute.
GIRLS AND FREEDOMScreening and discussion, hosted by Goethe-Institut Sarajevo
The pandemic descended unexpectedly upon everyone. We are constantly trying to find ourselves in this new reality. Just as constant is our striving to answer questions about fundamental values, including the need for freedom. How do young girls and women find themselves in this new situation? Are their life plans changing? Are the effects of the pandemic particularly felt by women, who are confronted with more challenges than men on a daily basis? In September this year, journalists from Deutsche Welle recorded interviews with young girls from Krakow and Sarajevo on the topic of freedom during the pandemic. The video is presented at Hotel Courtyard by Marriott in Sarajevo. After the video presentation, the programme includes a talk with the interviewed girls from Sarajevo, followed by a panel with experts, who have done research about the position of women in the period of the pandemic. Host of the evening: Nikola Vučić Interviewed girls from Sarajevo: Ajna Katica and Lejla Hamzakadić Panel experts: Azra Hadžiahmetović, Jasna Kovačević and Azra Latić The event takes place in the local languages B/C/S Online broadcast Links:
Facebook: YouTube: |
SkopjeOnline content
FIVE STORIES ABOUT FREEDOMArt-documentary by Kontrapunkt
“Five Stories about Freedom” is an art-documentary film that deals with the issue of freedom from four different discursive points of view. The starting point of the film is the four points of the Freiraum Manifesto: 1. Valorising difference to fight indifference; 2. A locally grounded global perspective; 3. A Message instead of a brand; 4. Culture of reflection and learning. The documentary explores the above aspects of freedom through 4 discursive levels: 1. Interview with a theorist and philosopher in which he explains his views on freedom in the context of the city in which he lives (Artan Sadiku); 2. Short-short stories by a writer, written in the current moment (Olivera Kjorveziroska); 3. Conversation with a screenplay writer and novelists in which he speaks, presents and explains his views on freedom (Sasho Kokalanov); 4. Photographs by the photographer Ivan Blazhev, through which he explores the changes that have taken place in the city in the past few years. Besides that, fragments from the book "This Life: Secular Faith and Spiritual Freedom" by Martin Hägglund are interwoven in these four discursive levels. The film is conceived as a combination of theoretical, documentary and artistic discourses, which complement each other, maybe at times contradict each other, diverge, but also intersect. The different perspectives of the involved authors are networked on the images of the city, on the specific physical space and architectural landscape, sometimes beautiful, sometimes ugly, chaotic and calm, attractive and repulsive. |
Tirana30/10, 18:30-21:00
REJA – The Cloud, Tirana |
Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki 66 Vas. Olgas Avenue |
State of the Arts - Mobile Studio - Mobile Stage
Online Meeting |